Phase three of Kazi Mtaani launched in Meru County 

Meru County has launched phase three of the national hygiene programme famously known as ‘Kazi Mtaani’ which is set to benefit 6,844 youths and 230 supervisors.

Speaking during the launching exercise, Meru County Commissioner Fred Ndunga said the programme would take place in the 12 sub-counties and the first priority would given to those who participated in the second phase of the programme.

Ndunga added that the other youths who would be considered in the programme were those that applied through the online platform.

“For the sub-counties that were not captured during the application, we will allow Chiefs and their Assistants to recruit youths for the programme in their respective areas,” said Ndunga.

He further advised those who had applied for the Kazi Mtaani jobs on the app to check if they have been recruited later in the day or early Tuesday.

Ndunga also warned the recruits against absconding duty adding that one would be paid only for the work done.

He urged those who would be lucky to work in the programme to keep communication open with their supervisors to ensure they report any reason for their absenteeism to their supervisors.

“If you are unable to report to work for one reason or the other, you are supposed to inform your immediate supervisor rather than sending another person to work for you,” he added.

The County Commissioner warned that if any person is caught delegating the duty to another person, they would not only be risking being fired but their supervisors too.

“We will be visiting you in your work stations time and again to know if you are facing any challenges on the ground, which we will later forward to the relevant offices for address if need be,” said Ndunga.

He said the programme was a broader plan by the government to ensure that young people are engaged in income-generating programmes to enable them to cater to their basic needs.

Each worker will be receiving Sh455 per day while their supervisors will receive Sh505.

They will be working in two cohorts with each working for nine days before giving way to the other.

“I wanted to tell you the amount of money you will be expecting per day so you can decide whether you want to continue working or not as early as now,” Ndunga said adding that they would only work with those who were willing.



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