Kazi Mtaani to Relieve Us from Harsh Economic Effects, Lugari Youths

A section of youths from Munyuki Location, Lugari Sub-County are disappointed with the government’s decision to suspend Kazi Mtaani within the sub-county launched one month ago.

The youths complained that they were not happy when they heard that the government had stopped the exercise which was to change the economic status of most youths.

Led by Nixon Salim and Ruth Wambwa they noted that Kazi Mtaani was to engage most of the youths in work and keep them away from politicians who may want to misuse them for their own selfish political gain.

Salim called on the government to continue with Kazi Mtaani exercise which had been launched early this month in the Sub-County.

He noted that most youths who had completed form four and class eight had no job because they could not continue with their education due to lack of fees.

Wambwa regretted that most youths in their village had embraced government initiative Kazi Mtaani as the only saviour from a situation of joblessness.

She noted that the run-away prices of essential goods including foodstuff had made life unbearable with most families eating one meal per day.

“With Kazi Mtaani, I knew most families were going to be cushioned with the shocking price of 2kg of dry maize now approaching Sh 300,” Wambwa said.

She also revealed that some youths had planned to use their proceeds to open small businesses which will continue keeping them busy when the government closes the exercise.

On her part, Munyuki Sub-Location Assistant Chief Celestine Asige assured the Kazi Mtaani youths who worked for five days before the closure of the exercise that the government will pay for the days.

Asige asked the youths to calm as they await further direction from the government as to what will happen to successful Kazi Mtaani applicants in Lugari.

Chief Asige revealed some youths had promised to stop drinking local brew and use of drugs once the government admitted them in Kazi Mtaani.

“We are aware of the positive impact of Kazi Mtaani among our youths but let’s keep calm as we await government direction on the status of Lugari,” Asige promised.

Lugari Sub-County Assistant County Commissioner 1 Mr. Evans Otieno on his part also asked the youths to calm as they await government direction following the suspension of Kazi Mtaani in Lugari.

More than 500 youths were to benefit in Lugari Sub-County from Kazi Mtaani Phase 3. Successful youths who talked to KNA praised the initiative as it will keep them off from rogue politicians who would want to misuse them.



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