Kazi Mtaani youths trained to be peace ambassadors ahead of polls

The National Hygiene Program (Kazi Mtaani) phase three beneficiaries in Tana River county have been assigned mentors to equip them with knowledge in peace and conflict resolution.

“They have also been urged to denounce resource-based conflict synonymous with Tana River, between pastoralists and farming communities and be exemplary examples to others by living and working harmoniously,” said County director of housing John Kariuki, during a service delivery meeting at the County Commissioner’s boardroom.

Phase three of the program is extended to cover all the 15 wards, unlike the previous phases which only targeted Hola municipality.

A total of 865 workers are enlisted for the programme. Tana River sub-county has the highest number of workers (505), Tana Delta (326), Tana North (8), Bangale (17), and Galedyertu (9).

The workers are engaged in bush clearing, drainage unclogging, garbage collection and disposal as well as tree planting. The youths are receiving daily wages of Sh455 for workers and Sh555 for supervisors.

The daily wages, the County Housing Director says, have provided a source of revenue for the youths to meet their basic needs and drive a sense of purpose.

He went on: “Before the program, various informal settlements used to have ‘Mathenge’ bushes along the roads. This posed danger to pedestrians and motorists and from time to time caused accidents due to poor visibility. Through Kazi Mtaani, the bushes were cleared thus improving visibility’’.

The beneficiaries have planted trees in office compounds and along the major roads in a bid to increase the County’s tree cover and to curb environmental hazards like soil erosion, flash floods, strong winds and blown-up dust which has been witnessed in the past.



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