Kidero outlines development agenda for Homa-Bay if elected

The race for Homa-Bay gubernatorial seat is gaining momentum with former Nairobi Governor, Evans Kidero, pledging to transform the local economy if elected.

Kidero urged residents to elect him, saying his past work experience would be an asset for the County.

He said he had requisite skills and experience to manage resources and deliver services to residents.

Kidero who spoke, Sunday, during a campaign trail in Homa-Bay town, said that his Administration will revitalize the County’s health sector.

He said development projects will be implemented in order of priority. “I have been a manager in private sector and was the first Governor of Nairobi, which makes me the undoubted candidate who fits the bill” Kidero said.

Kidero said he has what it takes to put Homa Bay in the national map of development, through an eight-point agenda to the people of Homa Bay.

He told residents not to gamble with the county’s leadership, adding that Homa-Bay was endowed with enormous resources, thus needed a tested and qualified leader.

“Homa Bay people need fish, sugarcane and potato processing plants, to
make it take-off. I’m the best person to bring the real change, which
our people want,” Kidero said.

Kidero said his government will partner with other stakeholders, to
ensure the plight of sugarcane farmers is addressed.

“Having another sugar processing factory in Ndhiwa is something we can
do. The main problem affecting cane growers is bad roads and lack of
market, which can be sorted through public private partnership,” Kidero



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