Kinangop sure to bank Nyandarua’s running mate slot

Nyandarua’s Kinangop Sub-County will for the third time, bag the Deputy Governor’s seat, after its four gubernatorial aspirants picked a running mate from the populous region.

The latest to pick his running mate was Speaker, Ndegwa Wahome, (Chama cha Kazi), who picked Peter Gathimba, to deputize him.

Gathimba was Youth, Sports and Social Service Executive in the first Nyandarua County government under then Governor Daniel Waithaka Mwangi.

Three of the candidates seeking to unseat Governor Francis Kimemia, have picked their running mates from the region, with Kimemia’s Deputy, Cecilia Mbuthia, also hailing from the Sub- county.

Kinangop Constituency that prides of 109,241 registered voters as per Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) records, has a comparative advantage compared to Kipipiri at 50,416, Ol Kalou 68,376, Ol Jororok 54,770 and Ndaragwa 52,831.

UDA Kenya Kwanza Coalition’s, Moses Kiarie Badilisha, picked Mwangi Mathara, who had unsuccessfully vied for Kinangop Constituency parliamentary seat severally.

Daniel Waithaka (DP) has picked immediate former Executive for Youth and Sports, Murani Ngugi, as his running mate as he seeks to recapture the governor’s seat, which he lost to Kimemia in 2017. Murani hails from Magumu area in Kinangop.

Only Former Deputy Governor, Withaka Mwangi Kirika, who is running on The Service Party (TSP), has Wainana Gikonyo from Ol Jororok, as his running mate.



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