Kisii family in agony over missing Form-two boy

A family in Nyamira area, Kisii South Sub County is living in agony after their 15-year-old son went missing on July 12, 2022.

According to his aunt, Irene Kemunto, the student known as Douglas Nyagwoka disappeared on the day he was supposed to report back to school.

The boy, who is an orphan and visually impaired, is a form-two student at Ausa School for the Blind in Siaya County and was living with his grandmother at the time he disappeared.

Kemunto recalled that the previous night before Nyagwoka went missing, she called her mother (the boy’s grandmother) and told her to take him to school early enough and come back home in good time.

However, she was surprised when her mother told her the boy was nowhere to be found and had not reported back to school.

“I was shocked when she told me the boy was missing, and we have looked for him everywhere but he has not been found. We have waited for him to come back, but he has not shown up,” said Kemunto.

The family has since reported the incident at Gesonso Police Station where the incident was registered in the OB and they were told to continue searching for the student as well.

His aunt noted that Nyagwoka needs to resume his studies so that he can fend for himself in the future since age is catching up with his grandparents who have been taking care of him since birth.

As the family continues with his search, Kemunto urged the general public to reach out to her via cellphone number 0717675690 in case anyone has seen the minor or has information about his whereabouts.



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