Leaders urged to preach peace during campaigns

Political leaders have been urged to preach peace and shun divisive utterances as they campaign for various seats ahead of the August polls.

Kajiado Central legislator Memusi Kanchori called on the aspirants to concentrate on selling their agenda to the electorate and avoid inciting their supporters to cause chaos at their opponent’s rallies.

Speaking in Kajiado town after being cleared and issued with a nomination certificate to seek re-election by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Kanchori reminded the leaders that they have a responsibility to serve Kenyans.

The Member of Parliament appealed for a peaceful election, adding that this year’s campaign should be about selling agendas and manifestos and not about propaganda, warmongering, and hate speech.

“The campaign period has officially started and I am calling on all politicians to conduct their campaigns peacefully avoiding propaganda and incitement. Concentrate on selling your agenda and not attacking others,” said Kanchori.

He further called on Kenyans to vote wisely in the August 9 General Elections as the leaders they vote for will determine the future of the country.

Kanchori advised Kenyans to avoid politicians who thrive on hate speech and divisive politics and vote in development minded leaders who prioritize peace and unity.

“This election is for you Kenyans to choose wisely. The leaders that you will elect on August 9 will either cause you joy or pain. If you do not choose wisely then you will suffer for the next five years,” said the MP.

At the same time, Kanchori sent his condolences to the family and constituents of Rabai who lost their MP in a road accident Sunday morning.

He said the people of Rabai and the Orange Democratic Movement party had lost a hardworking and charismatic leader.

“I want to condole with the people of Rabai who lost their MP through a road accident. May he rest in peace,” he said.



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