Limuru Sub-County benefits from a 100 million water supply project

Limuru residents have benefited from the 100 million water supply project in Tigoni funded by the National government.

Speaking during the Ministry of Interior and Coordination field visits today, Joseph Chule, the water Technical manager, said the project which was completed in 2019 has been able to ease the water problems in Limuru sub-county.

“With increase in population in Limuru and its environs there is a demand for water in the area. This particular project targets areas like Limuru East, Tigoni, Ngeca and Karura,” he said.

Chule added that the raw water station comes from Tigoni dam which is pumped to the water plant for treatment and later supplied to consumers.

“At the moment the project has a small piped network of about 10km and this is because it is demand driven. We wish to cover more kilometres in the future so that we can have an even larger customer base,” he added.

Chule noted that the treatment plant having a capacity of two million litres per day, more than 1000 customers have benefited from this particular project and it is an indicator that it is productively functional.

This particular project has improved livelihoods as it has also created employment in different zones within the Sub-County.

Speaking to KNA, Mark Wambugu, a Tigoni resident, said that the National government has helped them by constructing the water supply project as they can now easily get clean water.

“This project has assisted the people of Limuru Sub-County. We can now easily have clean piped water and we don’t have to go for days without water in our houses. We thank our government and we would want to see even more projects in our county,” he said.

Limuru Sub-county has also benefited from the sewer project that is currently in the process of completion.

Chule during the visit at the grounds in Limuru said the project which started in 2018 is expected to be completed by October 2022.

The Sh 600 million project by the National government is expected to serve between 200,000 to 250,000 households in the Sub-County from Kamirithu, Kamandura, Karanji, Limuru town and Bibirioni.

The capacity of the sewer is 530 cubic metres per day and currently with the increase in population the project is receiving more than eight times of the capacity it was initially planned for, the Manager said.

Chule however noted that the project is a relief to the residents as sanitation and hygiene has been greatly improved and there is a healthier environment. He also said that farmers have benefited from the project as they are given the manure after the sewer has been treated.



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