Man accused of stealing a motorbike placed on 2-year probation

A middle-aged man charged with stealing a motorbike valued at Sh125,000 was yesterday sentenced to a 2-year probation term by a Kabarnet court.

Edwin Kiptui had pleaded guilty to charges of stealing contrary to section 268 (1) (2) (a) as read with section 275 of the Penal Code and was accused of committing the offence with another accomplice, Ian Kiptalam.

The two were charged that on diverse dates between 1st and 14th March, 2022 at unknown time within Kabarnet Township in Baringo Central Sub County unlawfully and without consent, they jointly stole one motorcycle Registration Number KMFL 326R make Boxer black in colour valued Sh125,000, property of Festus Mutai.

When the charges were read to both accused persons, Kiptui pleaded guilty while Kiptalam denied.

“Your honour, I did not steal the said motorbike, neither was I at the scene when the incident happened,” Kiptalam told the court when they appeared before Resident Magistrate Vienna Amboko.

The turn of events made the magistrate to briefly adjourn the case but when she returned to sentence the first accused, Kiptalam changed his mind and pleaded guilty as charged saying he actually participated in the alleged stealing.

“I am an orphan and had no one or nowhere to get a source of livelihood that is why we jointly stole the motorbike which was parked along one of the streets of Kabarnet town,” Kiptalam revealed.

In her ruling, Amboko ordered Kiptui to serve two years under the supervision of area Probation Officer adding that Kiptalam’s case would come up for sentencing on June 29.



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