Man stabbed to death by wife over text messages

A middle aged woman is being detained at the Homa Bay Police Station after she allegedly stabbed her husband in a bar Wednesday over phone text message.

The 31-year-old man identified as Charles Okoth Onyango died at the scene following a stab on the chest by his wife who forcefully wanted to read his text messages.

Witnesses said that the two had been drinking at a table in a bar along Homa Bay-Kendu Road and had been in a calm conversation before the confrontation began.

The argument started when the man declined to give in to his wife’s demands that created a row between them attracting the attention of people who were in the bar.

Homa Bay town location chief Joshua Ochogo said that the couple had been drinking and were intoxicated. “Both of them were drunk and I believe their actions towards each other were influenced by alcohol,” he said.

When the argument degenerated, the woman removed a knife from her handbag and stabbed the man on his chest leading to his death.

Homa Bay Sub County Police Commander Sammy Koskei said that the woman is under police custody as investigations into the incident began.

“The suspect is already under our custody as investigations begin to find out circumstances leading to the death,” he said.

The body of the deceased was taken to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital morgue for postmortem.



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