No Public Land for Grabs in Likuyani- Kibunguchi

Likuyani Member of Parliament Enock Kibunguchi has warned that disputed Likuyani Forest land remains government-controlled land until the National Assembly passes an act to allow it to benefits the locals.

Kibunguchi who spoke during a function in Sango Location noted some people were misleading the public that the government had allowed Likuyani Forest Land to be sub-divided.

He said they should seek correct information from relevant government bodies instead of believing hearsay from people who are pursuing own selfish interests.

The MP also warned that some influential people were behind Likuyani Forest Land issue and that they wouldn’t succeed because the National Assembly still had the power over the land.

“I am sending a message to anyone with the intention of grabbing land in Likuyani Forest that there is no land here,” Kibunguchi said.

The law maker said landless people in Likuyani Sub-County will be the first beneficiaries of the land once the government allows it to be subdivided.

Without mentioning names, he said there were a few people were hoping to benefit from land and yet they were not from the Sub-County.

“These rumours you hear from all over that there is land in Likuyani for grabs, I tell there is no land here and those who wish to take it and give it to their people or grab it for their own are day- dreaming,” he warned.

Kibunguchi said that as long as he remains the MP for Likuyani he will ensure the poor and landless from Likuyani get the land.

In April, residents called on the government to immediately reclaim public grabbed land so that it can be used for intended various public service delivery.

The residents claim the public land meant for various public projects has systematically fallen into the hands of land grabbers since 1980s until recently when it was unlawfully changed into Private Land without Act of Parliament due process.

Residents who spoke to KNA in Likuyani before the area Deputy County Commissioner Charles Mwayaya said they are being denied some essential public services because certain unscrupulous individuals grabbed the land meant for market, dispensary, water dam and school.

Meanwhile Kibunguchi urged Likuyani residents and environs to utilize Kongoni Technical Training Institute that has been put up by the government.

He said students who just completed the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education should enroll in the institute and pursue different technical courses offered.



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