Meru MCAs adopt a report on upgrading Maua, Timau to municipalities

Meru County Assembly has adopted a report from the select committee on land, physical and economic planning on upgrading Maua and Timau towns to municipalities.

Supporting the move on the floor of the house, Maua MCA George Muthuri lauded members of the committee for pushing the matter which according to him, came to pass after three years of pushing.

He noted that by earning the status of a municipality, the towns would not only attract more funding from the national government but also from international development partners like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Muthuri said flooding and submerging of Maua town’s businesses during rainy seasons, was one major problems that would be solved by construction of a better drainage system, with the additional funds that would be allocated to the newly formed municipality.

The lawmaker also noted that the move would create more jobs for Igembe residents, and immigrants who come looking for better pastures at the industries to be set up in the area.

He hoped that Governor Kiraitu Murungi would hasten the conferment and issuance of the charters to the two towns to municipalities, to ensure that each municipality gets its own manager.

Kiegoi-Antobochiu lawmaker Jerald Kimathi whose ward is also part of the Maua municipality could not hide his joy, noting that there would be better street lighting to enhance security in favour of a 24 hour businesses activities, which in return would help improve the economy of the area.

A nominated Jubilee MCA Mrs. Purity Mugambi also congratulated the committee, adding that upgrading of the two towns meant growth for the larger Meru County.

MCA for Kangeta ward Romano Mwito also noted that the towns, if improved, could help in generating more revenue for the county.

This was the last sitting of this second County Assembly in Meru, having taken a break for campaigns, making it the last motion, unless the lawmakers called for a special sitting.

Jerald Kimathi who hopes to be back after the general election noted that despite the many achievements they had made as a County Assembly, there were various challenges that he hoped the incoming national government would solve.

Kimathi decried the delay in disbursing the county share by the National Treasury, noting that from January this year, no development money had been received at the ward level except for bursaries.

He also lamented the delay of the MCAs’ salaries, hoping that the next government would make devolution a priority.



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