Migori County will only Pay Verifiable Pending Bills, Governor Ochilo

Migori Governor Dr. Ochilo Ayacko has said that his administration will only pay pending bills that are verifiable and that have added value to the people.

Speaking during his first day in office, Ochilo said that he will not pay any bills just because paperwork was done by the last administration.

He noted that he will put in place verifiable committees to ensure that what the new administration pays for on behalf of Migori people is what has brought value to their lives, their businesses and their welfare.

He however, asked those that had rendered services to be patient and promised that the new administration will not hold any payments from those that provided their genuine services.

The Governor said his administration has inherited a large junk of bills but promised to provide trust and leadership to sort those bills. He noted that he was entrusted to serve the Migori people and promised to serve them with utmost honesty and diligence.

He also called upon the public service to get back to work and provide services to the residents. He however, cautioned the staff that he will not allow them to stand in the way of providing services to the residents.

“I will not wait for the residents to be unhappy before I act. Let all that have been given the mandate to serve our people do so diligently and honestly,” noted Ochilo.

Ochilo said that he will seek partnerships at both national and local levels to ensure that the electorate have additional resources for socio-economic development.



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