MP to MCA New Elect Vows to Work with other Elected Leaders in Kilifi

Kilifi County leaders who were elected in the just concluded general elections have vowed to work together in order to bring a new face to the county and benefit electorates.

Former Ganze MP Peter Shehe, who sought and won Member of County Assembly (MCA) seat in Jaribuni ward has promised to collaborate with other leaders regardless of their political parties to serve electorates with dedication.

Shehe was declared Jaribuni Ward MCA elect with 3,121 votes through United Democratic Alliance Party (UDA) in the polls after serving as Ganze MP from 2013 to 2017.

Speaking at his Jaribuni home where he held a colourful thanksgiving ceremony in which he invited Kilifi County Governor elect among other leaders, winners and losers from various political parties, Shehe said he settled for a lower-rank political seat due to his greater ambitions for the residents.

He said he is committed to ensuring that the area meets the standards of being a constituency on its own by 2027 according to the government’s plans.

Among the key issues he vowed to work with other leaders to improve in the area include better healthcare access, infrastructure, education, jobs creation and improved coconut industry.

Shehe said that he had already initiated education based projects that recently attracted a donation of Sh1.5 million from foreign countries and which paid school fees for learners who scored above 350 marks in KCPE examinations.

Speaking during the ceremony, Kilifi Governor elect Gideon Mung’aro said that he is ready to work with all elected leaders in the county regardless of their political differences.

Mung’aro assured Kilifi residents that he will fulfill all the promises he made through his manifesto including improving the health sector, education and infrastructure among his other agenda.

“Despite our political party differences between myself and Mr Shehe, I will ensure a dedicated teamwork to serve and benefit the lives of Jaribuni residents,” he said.

Mung’aro urged elected leaders in the region to team up and work together to improve the region, urging them to put political affiliations aside and get to work.

Speaking during the ceremony, Timothy Mtana Lewa who served as the area MP from 1988 to 1992, urged leaders to work together to improve the county. He asked the leaders to budget for conservation and heritage sites like the Kayas in order to improve ecotourism in the area.

Lewa urged them to involve the kaya elders because they have a high social value in the community.

Leaders who lost the elections but attended the function among them Victoria Mnyazi who vied for MCA seat through ODM party said she conceded defeat and promised to collaborate with the elected leaders so as to improve the area.



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