Parents Decry High Cost of Living 

Parents in Homa Bay County have decried the high cost of living as they take their children back to school after general elections.

The parents expressed concern over financial constraints which cannot enable them to meet the demands of their children’s education

Speaking to KNA, Naomi Awuor who has three children in secondary schools said that she has experienced a lot of difficulties during the election period.

“I have three children who are going to secondary school today, it’s difficult because school fee is needed alongside food for the family,” said Awuor.

In recent days the country has been experiencing an increase in the prices of commodities rendering the citizens helpless.

Ben Achola on the other side urged the government to consider reducing school fees to make learning affordable.

He also raised an alarm over some motorists who take advantage of the situation to increase transport fare making it difficult for parents who now have a lot of burden.

“It’s very unfortunate that the fare has also doubled due to the increase of fuel prices, but some motorists are also taking advantage of the situation,” said Achola.

Achola reiterated that the recent school calendar has been confusing, something that has led to the poor preparations of the parents.

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha deferred the opening dates to August 18 following the consultation with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).



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