Municipal board embarks on upgrading roads within Murang’a town

Upgrading of roads, streets and parking bays in Murang’a is an impetus to boost business and revenue collection within the municipality.

Murang’a Municipal Board is currently tarmacking three roads and installing streetlights to give the county headquarter a facelift.

Members of the board speaking during an inspection of the project on Tuesday said the upgrading of the roads and streets will attract more investors as well as provide a conducive environment for conducting business.

Vice-chair of the board Judith Maina said the board is currently improving the roads at a tune of Sh35 million which was provided by the World Bank through the Urban Support programme.

“Currently three roads of a total of about 1 and half kilometres are being tarmacked. Once tarmacked movement of people and vehicles within the town will be eased.

“We are also installing streetlights to ensure there is security and allow business people to operate even late hours,” she added.

The parking bays, Maina said, will give the county government an opportunity to raise more revenue, saying the upgrading of the roads is expected to be completed before the end of the week.

Dr. Bernard Muia, another board member said the roads together with drainage system will improve sanitation within the town.

Muia called upon residents not to dispose solid waste in drainage lines, which may lead to blockage.

“To improve sanitation of this town every resident needs to be responsible when it comes to management of solid waste. Let them dispose of the waste at designated areas,” Muia said.

James Mwangi who is also a member said there is need to expand the municipality and called upon Transport Cabinet Secretary James Macharia to gazette areas which the County Assembly has passed to be included in the municipality.

“We have finished our part on expansion of Murang’a municipality and also creating two other municipalities including Kenol and Kangari town.

“Currently Murang’a Municipality has a population of 35, 000 but we want it to be expanded to cater for about 110, 000 residents. We urge our transport CS to hasten gazetting the new boundaries,” noted Mwangi.

Expansion of the municipality boundaries to cover more than7-kilometre radius, Mwangi said, will enable the board to improve services to the residents and also get more funding from the World Bank.



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