Murang’a gubernatorial aspirant promises to tackle Land succession cases

Murang’a Senator Irungu Kang’ata who is eying the gubernatorial seat in the August General Election has fingered succession cases for the increased family wrangles witnessed in the county.

Kang’ata on Sunday observed that unsolved land cases have triggered strife among family members, adding the problem needs to be addressed urgently.

Three out of ten families in the county, the senator said, have legal land ownership documents posing a challenge to property development for those who lack title deeds.

He promised to champion for resolution of prevailing land ownership issues to allow local residents to develop their land and bring about peace amongst families.

Speaking during a campaign trail in parts of Gatanga Sub County, the UDA gubernatorial aspirant promised to put strategies that will urgently tackle land succession cases.

Accompanied by his running mate Dr. Winnie Mwangi, Kang’ata said if he clinches the seat come August 9, his deputy, who has vast experience in land matters will help tackle the challenges.

“If am elected as the next governor of Murang’a my priority will be in health and land issues. Many families have been rocked by wrangles stemming from succession cases. Dr. Mwangi who is an expert in land economics will help to ensure the cases are amicably solved and affected family members live in harmony,” Kang’ata said.

Kang’ata observed that if he assumes the county chief office, he will have a team of experts to tackle the land issues and support property development.

His sentiments comes barely a year after the current governor Mwangi wa Iria established land clinics to help tackle land succession cases, an exercise which did not bear much fruit.

The senator further observed that the county department which gives building permits has been mired in corruption, saying Dr Mwangi will help to streamline issuance of needed permits and boost quality construction in the county.

“Corruption in the construction industry has locked out many investors from the county. Dr Mwangi has promised to modernize issuance of building permits where applications will be done via digital platforms. This will attract many investors,” added Kang’ata.

Meanwhile the aspirant pleaded with Murang’a residents to support Kenya Kwanza Coalition, saying the government of Dr. William Ruto will lower the cost of living in the country.

“Elect leaders who have a track record of achievement and the right leaders are in Kenya Kwanza, let’s elect Dr. William Ruto as our next president. I also applaud the nomination of

Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua as running mate. Gachagua is a committed servant who will ensure development is achieved in every corner of the country,” he added.

Kang’ata will be battling for the Murang’a governor seat with six other candidates including Dr. Moses Mwangi (Safina), Irungu Nyakera (Farmers Party), Jamleck Kamau (Jubilee), Joseph Mbai (Usawa kwa Wote) and Engineer Joshua Toro.



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