CBC classesrooms for phase two to start in July

Phase two of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) classrooms construction in secondary schools will commence next month after successful completion of phase one structures.

During the Loitoktok Sub County CBC Infrastructure Committee meeting, Loitoktok Deputy County Commissioner, Wesley Koech expressed concern that in the Sub County construction for CBC classes in phase one is at 92 percent completion.

Koech further noted that Loitoktok Sub County was leading in Kajiado County, however due to delays in completion of some classes has caused the Sub County to trail last.


“We started on a good note and at very good pace, however along the way we have lagged behind which is not a good sign,” observed Koech.

Koech said the meeting was to chat way forward for a final push to ensure 100% completion by end of this financial year.

Loitoktok Sub County Director of Education, Peter Bitah told the committee that so far 13 classrooms have been completed out of the 19 allocated for phase one in the Sub County.

Bitah noted that construction of the other 4 classes is on course and added they will be completed soon.

He was however concerned that two classrooms are below expectation and asked the committee to consider way forward.

The Director noted the two classes one at Entarara Secondary and the other at Collin Davis under one contractor have delayed for almost three months now.

Bitah expressed concern that, this is even after the contractor was issued with a default notice and cautionary warning.

Bitah said owing to the fact that the financial year 2021/2022 all phase one CBC classes should be completed to pave way for phase two classes which are to start in July.

Frasiah Contractor who have contracted to construct the two classes agreed to sub contract to another contractor after facing challenges in construction of the two classes, and it is expected work to kick off next week.



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