Nakuru to Equip Its TVET Institutions with Modern Facilities

The Nakuru County government will channel more resources towards realigning Technical Vocational Education Training Institutes curriculum, revamping and equipping vocational training centers and youth polytechnics in its 11 sub-counties through conditional grants and support from the devolved unit.

Governor Susan Kihika observed that the National Government had rolled out new technical and vocational courses as it began to implement the Competence-Based Education and Training (CBET) policy framework aimed at delivering industry responsive skills.

“CBET concept entails the involvement of industry in all aspects of training. This will include development of occupational standards, training programmes, facilitation of training as well as assessment. We are keen on entrenching CBET in our systems” said Ms Kihika.

She stated that the world over the labour market was transiting from theoretical expertise to practical-based skills, adding that a growing number of Kenyans with good academic qualifications were unemployed because of a mismatch of skills and career choices.

Ms Kihika challenged parents to vouch for Technical Vocational Education Training Institutes (TVET) courses that will help their children acquire relevant skills favourable to the local and international labour markets adding that technical training plays a vital role in strengthening the country’s economy.

She indicated that parents should now focus more on courses offered in vocational training centers and argued that technical and vocational training holds the answer to economic challenges such as unemployment.

“The strength and future of a country’s economy depends on two major factors, skills of its manpower and production which comes from it. This can only be achieved through TVET, as it is the masterpiece to alleviate poverty and usher in growth,” she said.

Ms Kihika stated her administration would improve staffing of vocational training centers and introduce modern courses such as entrepreneurship, Information Communication Technology, leather work, agribusiness, and accounting in its polytechnics to increase the efficiency and appeal of the institutions.

“Our goal is to have more young people enrol in various courses not offered professionally at the University level. Strengthening the collaborative linkages between the county government and the private sector is one of the most effective ways of driving the youth polytechnics and Technical Vocational Education Training Institutes (TVET) agenda as students can be exposed to the real world of industry and business,” stated the Governor.

She said the devolved unit would continue exploring public-private partnerships with various industries and companies towards accessing industrial attachment for both the trainees and the instructors so that they can learn, appreciate, and be made aware of modern technology in industries.

Outlining her development agenda for the county’s residents, the Governor indicated that her administration would continue being committed to equipping the youth with the necessary and right skills that can help fight the high rate of unemployment.

Nakuru has 24 youth polytechnics spread across the county that offer various courses, with over 3,000 youth enrolled in various disciplines under the tutelage of approximately 210 youth instructors.

“The infrastructure in these institutions will continue undergoing massive improvement and expansion. Learning resources will also be increased, updated, and fully utilized.

Leadership and management of human and financial resources will be enhanced through continuous audit as well as robust capacity-building of the managers and the instructors,” noted the Governor

She observed that the county government and its partners would assist the youth polytechnics to initiate income-generating activities so that they become self-reliant and models of inculcating practical lessons in project management.

Ms Kihika urged the youth to enroll in polytechnics and technical vocational training institutions to acquire market driven skills so that they can take part in the multi-million development projects available at industrial parks at Naivasha and Salgaa, and affordable housing and the dry port in Naivasha.

According to the Technical Vocational Education and Training Authority, there are two accredited public TVET institutions in the county. These are Dairy Training Institute in Naivasha and the Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology in Njoro.

So far, the County government has embarked on an ambitious plan to establish information and communications technology innovation hubs in each of the 11 sub-counties. In collaboration with various partners, it has set up innovation hubs in Subukia and Kuresoi South sub-counties.

The Governor said her administration would work out a partnership with several private companies aimed at equipping students in the polytechnics and TVETs with hands-on skills in an industry setting during their time of study.

“We will be exploring a model where students are subjected to combination of theory and practical training, in a real-life work environment through an interchange of training at a TVET institute and in a company.”

She pointed out that close links between enterprises and training centers have been at the core of Western World’s economic success since the 19th century.

“I believe that building up such a TVET ecosystem in Kenya can provide concrete job opportunities for young Kenyans as well,” she observed.

The private sector, the Governor noted, contributes over 70 percent of formal employment but in some cases they struggle to find candidates due to a mismatch between the courses offered in TVET institutions.

The private sector, Ms Kihika stated, can partner with tertiary institutions to develop specialized short-term practical courses, for example, on entrepreneurship, to further sharpen graduates’ business skills.

The governor emphasized that an effective Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) system will play a key role in achievement of the big four Government agenda and Vision 2030.

Data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) shows enrollment of students in national polytechnics, public technical and vocational colleges increased by 4.8 percent to 451,205 in 2020 a sign that the government’s efforts to grow enrollment in the institutions is bearing fruit.

Additionally, the number of TVET institutions increased by 7.5 percent to 2,301 in 2020.



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