NCCK calls for peaceful campaigns and elections

The head of Africa Brotherhood Church (A.B.C), Archbishop Dr. Timothy Ndambuki, has appealed to politicians and members of the public, to maintain peace as the August General election draws nearer.

“We are now in campaign season; in a few months we will conduct this year’s General Election. It is my plea that we conduct mature campaigns. We all need peace, love and unity, so that we can realize economic growth in this country,” said Ndambuki.

Ndambuki who also serves as the Chairperson of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), was speaking during the ordination ceremony of four Bishops in ABC Manza, Machakos town, where he urged the youth to be wise and not allow politicians to misuse them to cause chaos.

“To the young people of this country, don’t allow politicians to misuse you during this time to cause chaos in their opponent’s rallies. There is no need to bring disruptions in political gatherings, what we all need is peace and love,” said Ndambuki.

The NCCK Chairperson also requested leaders to empower the young people, women and those with disabilities in the society, to ensure equity and improved living standards.

“Just as the Church is ensuring gender equity in all its activities and everyone is involved, also let all the leaders in different capacities copy the same and empower the youth, women and people with disabilities,” he stressed.

The Archbishop also requested church leaders to be fair to all politicians and not to favor anyone, as partiality could cause hatred between the church and other members of the political class.

“We the church leaders must be fair to all politicians, let us give them equal opportunities and allow the citizens to choose. Above all good leaders are given by God,” added Ndambuki.

He also requested the church and the society at large to come out and form Regional Economic Blocks to fuel economic growth and stability and called on county governments, well-wishers and Non-Governmental Organizations, to support this good initiative.

The Bishops that were being ordained are Mary Nzioki, John Mutua, Samuel Lazaro and Johnson Kaniaru.



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