ODM urges electorate to vote their candidates only

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party brigade in Kisumu has hit the ground running to rally the locals to vote for their candidates across all the elective positions.

The move popularly known as six piece targets to have the party clinch all the positions at the same time solidify support for Azimio-One Kenya Presidential candidate Raila Odinga.

Kisumu County Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o who is defending the seat on the Orange party ticket rallied his supporters to paint the county Orange to give Odinga a resounding win in the August 9 general elections.

Speaking during a series of political rallies in Nyando Sub-County on Tuesday, Nyong’o said the party, headed by Odinga was the most popular in the area adding that this will be confirmed at the ballot.

He cautioned area residents against being hoodwinked by candidates who ditched the party after losing at nominations but remain steadfast to safeguard Raila Odinga’s votes.

Nyong’o who was accompanied by Kisumu ODM Chairman Prof. Ayiecho Olweny and other ODM aspirants pitched tent in Nyando which is former governor Jack Ranguma’s stronghold to seek votes.

The governor unveiled several projects among them Nyaware Health Center, Korowe Market, Kagari water pan, Kanyiapala-Gerliech road and Ayucha water project before addressing his supporters at Awasi.

Nyong’o said his development track record spoke for itself urging voters in the area to support him for a second term to finish the numerous development projects he started.

The ODM party primaries saw a number of candidates ditch the party to join smaller parties in Azimio-One Kenya coalition and others as independent candidates.

This according to the ODM camp, threatens to scuttle Raila Odinga’s votes in his backyard.

Other candidates in the gubernatorial race is former Governor Jack Ranguma who is seeking reelection on a Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) and businesswoman Awuor Meso (independent).

In Kisumu Central Constituency, the incumbent Fred Ouda who lost the ODM primaries to Dr. Joshua Oron is defending the seat as an independent candidate.

In Kisumu West the incumbent Alago Oluoch who is supporting Azimio is defending the seat on an MDG ticked.

His Kisumu East Counterpart Shakeel Shabir is defending his seat as an independent candidate.

In the Woman Representative seat, youthful Valentine Anyango (MDG) will face off with ODM candidate Ruth Odinga.

The situation is the same at various wards across the county where a number of candidates are running on small parties within the Azimio-One Kenya coalition and as independent candidates.

Leaders from the small political parties within the coalition have called for tolerance to ensure that the ultimate goal of securing votes for Raila Odinga is achieved.

Democratic Alliance Party of Kenya (DAP-K) Nyanza Region Chairman Chrispine Omondi said the call for six piece was creating disharmony within the coalition.

Omondi said all the parties small and big must work together to deliver the presidential vote.

“Even if ODM is the most predominant party in this area Raila Odinga still requires the votes of the smaller parties to become president,” he said.



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