Nine candidates aspire to replace Governor Joho in Mombasa

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has enlisted nine candidates to contest for the Governor position in Mombasa during August 9 General Election.

IEBC issued a timetable for the candidates to present their nomination papers for clearance to the County Returning Officer between June 4 and June 7.

The candidates who have declared interest to replace the current Governor Hassan Joho who has served the mandatory two terms are Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir (ODM), Hassan Sarai (UDA), Mike Mbuvi Sonko (Wiper) and William Kingi (PAA).

Others are Daniel Munga Kitsao (Independent), Hezron Awiti (VDP), Said Abdalla (Usawa Kwa Wote),Shafii Makazi (UPIA) and Antony Chitavi (UDP).

IEBC on Sunday started receiving nomination papers from those vying for parliamentary seats as official campaigns kick off.

The six constituencies in Mombasa County where candidates are supposed to present their documents for clearance to their Returning Officers are Mvita, Likoni, Jomvu, Changamwe, Kisauni and Likoni.

Meanwhile, politicians have been urged to carry out peaceful campaigns and encourage their supporters to avoid any form of incitement or violence.

“All candidates for various positions must conduct their campaigns in a peaceful environment and ensure Kenyans live in harmony before and after the elections,” said Dr David Oginde, the immediate former presiding Bishop of Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM).

Addressing all candidates vying for the Governor position in Mombasa during a breakfast meeting organised by the church in Nyali, Bishop Oginde implored them to conduct issue-based campaigns and encourage peaceful co-existence among Kenyans regardless of political differences.



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