Only 6 Laikipia MCAs make comeback to the assembly after the elections 

Only six out of the 15 members of the Laikipia County Assembly have managed to make a comeback after the August 9 general elections.

Four of the members were elected in 2017 while the other two were nominated and have now gotten the nod of the electorate to represent them in the assembly.

Those who made the comeback include; George Karuiru of UDA (Ol Moran ward), Simon Kanyutu – Independent (Marmanet ward), Stephen Nderitu UDA (Thingithu ward), and Daniel Mugweru UDA (Umande ward).

Former nominated MCAs Irene Wacuka and Catherine Nyokabi also made the comeback after they clinched the seats in the Igwamiti and Ngobit wards respectively on UDA tickets. The two will be the only women elected to the assembly.

The rest of the assembly will have new faces apart from Mukogodo East ward representative Paul Leshuel who served in the 2013-2017 assembly and has also made a comeback at the assembly as an independent candidate.



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