Residents want Orengo to give priority to health as he assumes office 

Siaya residents have called on the incoming governor, James Orengo to devote his energy in reviving the collapsed health sector in the county immediately he assumes the office.

According to the residents, the sector was in the “intensive care unit” and was no longer serving the tax payers who are forced to watch helplessly as their kinsmen die for lack of service and medicine.

Led by Odhiambo Ouru, the locals decried that the hospitals in the county “were sicker than the locals” and required immediate resuscitation.

“Orengo’s administration must ensure that the health facilities have adequate competent and professional staff,” said Ouru adding that the administration will also have to ensure consistent supply of drugs and other medical supplies.

Another resident, Mark Oloo said that virtually all the health facilities in the county have been referring patients to buy drugs in private chemists.

“Several of these health facilities have had electricity disconnected and have been in darkness for months,” lamented Oloo.

Meanwhile, Siaya county civil society network have hailed the election of senator James Orengo as the governor, pledging to support him deliver his election promises.

Members of the civil society network, led by Hellen Achieng’ Abuor and Isaiah Ochieng said that the community had high hopes on Orengo, given the senator’s record as a champion of democracy and good governance.

They challenged all the elected leaders to ensure they delivered on their election campaign pledges.



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