Parent arrested over child neglect

Police in Rachuonyo east Sub County have arrested a parent for failure to enroll his daughter in form one.

The arrest took place Wednesday at 8.30 am after a multi-agency team of officers visited the child’s home in Komroth village, Kakelo location.

The officers were moving around the sub county tracing children who did their KCPE in last year but had not joined secondary school.

The area Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Job Kemey said the parent Kennedy Oyoo Magak could not give a good reason why his daughter did not join form one.

“The parent was arrested and taken to Ringa police station and was to be taken to court over child neglect,” he said adding the child Flovian Amondi Oyoo was subsequently enrolled at Kojwach mixed secondary school.

Kemey said the child’s mother Redemptor Akinyi escaped arrest after disappearing to unknown destination. He warned parents keeping children at home that they would be arrested and prosecuted.

He said the government was offering free day secondary education adding no child should remain at home for lack of school fees.

The DCC said there are a number of bursaries within the sub county that needy parents should apply for to assist them meet other school costs. “We have NG-CDF bursary kitty, county government bursary and the presidential bursary disbursed through the children department. Any needy family can apply for help,” he said.

The DCC said apart from Flovian, two other children were helped to join school in the area.

The administrator called for concerted effort among all education stakeholders to ensure all children who sat for 2021 KCPE examination transit to secondary schools as directed by the national government.

He asked residents to help identify parents who have not taken their children to school, saying it is a must all learners must transit to secondary school, middle level colleges or university.



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