Parliamentary candidate robbed

Rangwe parliamentary candidate Omburo Odaje was Sunday night robbed of Sh1 million in cash.

Homa bay County Criminal Investigations Officer Abed Kavoo said four armed men raided Odaje’s home in Kanyang’ondo Village, Central Kochia location, Rangwe Sub- County at about 9 pm.

Kavoo said two of the gangsters remained waiting at the gate with their get-away motorbikes, while two of them entered the homestead and stormed into the victim’s sitting room.

The raiders found 20 of Odaje’s supporters in the sitting room waiting for him.

The gangsters cocked their pistols and ordered the supporters to lie face-to-the-ground, as one of the gangsters went into the bedroom where Odaje’s wife and their two-year-old child were sleeping.

He demanded to be told the whereabouts of Odaje and the wife said he was on a campaign mission, where upon he demanded for money, threatening to kill her if she did not cooperate.

Mrs. Odaje yielded by pointing at a bag in the room that contained Sh1 million.

Kavoo said the robbers slapped her twice and ordered her to lie facing down, before taking away the bag and her i-phone worth Sh200,000 and disappearing.

Odaje arrived home later and after learning of the incident, reported the matter at the Rangwe Police Station.

Kavoo said they were still interrogating the people who were in the compound to enable them get crucial leads that would help trace the gangsters.

“There were many people in that compound, hence we are still gathering information to enable us get into the bottom of the matter,” he said.



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