Police in Embu gun down two suspected thugs two escape

Two suspected thugs were on Thursday night gunned down by police officers while two others managed to escape in Njukiri area on the outskirts of Embu Town.

The four men were ambushed by police officers acting on a tipoff from members of the public while in the process of breaking into shops within the area.

County Commissioner (CC), Eddyson Nyale, while confirming the incident said the suspects were ordered to surrender, but instead engaged the officers in a shootout as they attempted to flee using their Toyota Fielder get-away car.

He said a fierce shooting ensued leading to the killing of the two a few meters from the scene of crime, adding that they were in pursuit of the other two who escaped.

Nyale said assorted items including crates of beer, gas cylinders, shoes and bags believed to have been stolen were recovered in the vehicle.

He said they believe the four were a part of gang that has been terrorizing locals in various parts of the county where they have been breaking into people’s homes and stealing household items as well as livestock.

The CC said they will not relent in their resolve of ensuring acts of criminality are totally eradicated in the county and culprits brought to book.

County Police Commander, Daniel Rukunga, asked the suspects who managed to flee with the rifle to surrender immediately.

“We are asking them to surrender to us at the earliest opportunity because it is a matter of time before we catch up with them,” Rukunga warned.

He encouraged members of the public to continue partnering with security agencies in the war against crime to ensure they operate in a safe environment.

The bodies were taken to Embu Level Five Hospital Mortuary for preservation awaiting identification.

The development comes at a time when security agencies in the area have intensified crackdown on illicit liquor and drugs.



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