Prepare for an Azimio government, says CS Macharia

Transport CS James Macharia has asked Kenyans to prepare themselves psychologically to usher in, Azimio coalition government in the next few weeks.

Macharia said it has been established beyond any reasonable doubts that it was only the Raila/Karua led government, which has the capacity and ability to continue with projects initiated by the outgoing regime.

He said with both Raila and Karua having withstood the tests of the time, Kenyans should not have any doubts in their leadership.

Speaking in Kerugoya town, Kirinyaga County Thursday, when he presented Title deeds to 36 area residents, the CS told residents not to make any mistake come August 9 polls, but only vote for an Azimio ticket.

“Some of the mega projects you are seeing in this area like the multi-billion Kenol- Marua dual carriage road which is still under construction will certainly be abandoned by the other side of the political divide should it take over power,” he cautioned.

Accompanied by his Principal Secretary Prof. Mwangi Maringa, the CS said with Azimio government in place, the region was assured and guaranteed of development continuity.

Macharia dismissed the UDA brigade as being composed of political novices, who neither understand how governments are run nor comprehend the plight of majority of Kenyan people, especially during these very hard economic times.

“I am urging you to have faith and trust in Martha Karua’s leadership having been picked as the Azimio presidential running mate due to her undisputed capacity and ability to handle government issues and programs, having served as a minister in charge of two key dockets during the Kibaki administration,” he said.

The recipients of the title deeds were also cautioned against being tempted to sell their heritage, which they had been bequeathed by their parents.

“Kirinyaga will cease from being a food basket for Mt. Kenya region and other parts of the country if you (locals) start selling or fragmenting your highly productive land, but should rather intensify production by using modern farming techniques,” the CS said.

Area County Commissioner Moses Ivuto said Kirinyaga residents were known to be hardworking and urged them to redouble their efforts, given that their land was arable and capable of producing different crops throughout the year, especially rice in Mwea area.



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