Raila promise more budgetary allocation to Counties

Former Prime Minister who is also the Azimio coalition presidential flag bearer, has urged the National and County governments to work together in order to improve the welfare of Kenyans.

Odinga promised that he would push for additional allocation of funds to the counties to enable county governments implement development projects that would uplift the standards of living of the residents.

The Azimio Leader made the remarks, yesterday, when he commissioned Nduru Level 4 Hospital, South Mugirango Sub-county in Kisii.

Odinga commended the Kisii County Government led by Governor, James Ongwae, for the work that had been done at the Hospital, saying he hopes the next Governor of Kisii, will continue with the excellent work that Ongwae had done in terms of improving health services in the County.

He lauded the doctors and nurses at the facility, adding that it was important for them to provide health services that will bring the desired change and boost health care services within the region.

The Hospital, has an inpatient block for male, female and children, outpatient services, an x-ray section, a dental unit, a maternity ward and major and minor theatres.

Speaking during the event at the facility, Kisii Governor, James Ongwae, said the modern hospital has a 100-bed capacity, up from 20 beds, which did not meet the growing number of people seeking health services at the hospital.

“When I came here I found that the Hospital had only 20 beds. They didn’t even have a doctor here or specialists. Now that we have enough doctors and specialists, this Hospital will have more than four specialists,” Ongwae said.

The Governor noted that the 100 beds were already at the facility even though some of the equipment had not been delivered.

He pointed out other challenges the Hospital is facing, including failure to get enough nurses and other paramedical staff as well as the purchase of other medical equipment.

Ongwae urged Raila, to assist the residents of South Mugirango to access quality health care services, by equipping the modern facility with equipment once he is elected.

Nduru Level 4 Hospital not only caters for patients in Kisii County but also to neighbouring counties of Migori and Narok.

The facility is among the Sub-county hospitals in Kisii that were developed to increase access to health care services and avail critical health care services to the grassroots thereby, decongesting the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Others include Marani Level 4 Hospital with a 100-bed capacity and Kenyenya Level 4 Hospital which has a modern theatre, children welfare clinic and a sunk borehole.

In addition, Kenyenya boasts of an ICT Centre with an internet connection that enables health care workers to consult their colleagues in various hospitals through an E-learning platform. This was made possible through a partnership between the Kisii county government and the Aga Khan Foundation.

The introduction of devolved governments has spurred the growth of the health sector in Kisii County, with the region having 25 hospitals, 37 health centres and 79 dispensaries, up from 9 hospitals, 25 health centres, and 47 dispensaries before devolution.



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