Section of UDA leaders in Mt. Kenya pledges unwavering supporting for Ruto’s running mate

section of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) leaders in Mt. Kenya Region has pledged to support and rally behind whoever the Deputy President William Ruto picks as his running mate in the run-up to August 9 polls.

Led by Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua, the leaders, majority of who are the UDA nominees from Embu, said they were not particular about the individual candidate the DP will nominate as his running mate provided he/she comes from the region as per the “arrangement” they have had.

“We shall accord his nominee full support regardless of whoever he decides to pick anywhere within Mt. Kenya Region because we have had that arrangement with him,” Rigathi said.

Speaking in Embu Town on Saturday after chairing a meeting with all UDA nominees in the county, the MP said the Kenya Kwanza Alliance was not about positions or self-aggrandizement but economic empowerment of Kenyans.

He dismissed the selection process by the Azimio la Umoja to grill possible Raila Odinga’s running mate as a circus and a waste of time, saying there was already in place a predetermined nominee by shadowy powers controlling him.

Rigathi said Raila was a remote-controlled State project and that is why a selection committee had to be put in place to assist him choose a running mate.

“You haven’t heard Ruto ask any one of us in Kenya Kwanza to apply or even form a committee to assist him pick his running mate,” Rigathi stated noting that Raila was not his own man and that is why the country was being treated to such theatrics.

Other leaders present shared the same sentiments on a running mate from the region, saying it was well endowed with a lot of capable leaders.

“We are ready to support whoever the DP in his wisdom picks so that we can hit the ground running to ensure that we form the next government,” said nominated MP Cecily Mbarire who is eyeing the Governor seat.

The leaders also promised to work as a team and hold joint campaigns not only to ensure Ruto ascends to presidency but also have majority representation in National Assembly, Senate as well as County Assemblies.



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