Security team forcefully sell sheep to take girl to school

The security team in Narok South Sub County has been compelled to forcefully sell eight sheep belonging to Mzee Ole Kariankei to facilitate his 15-year-old daughter to join secondary school.

This is after the girl’s father declined to take the daughter to Lamek Namyak Secondary school where she had been admitted after scoring 244 marks in last year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam at Lengina primary school.

The area Deputy County Commissioner Felix Kisalu said they received credible information that the old man, despite owning many sheep and goats, was planning to marry off the girl in secret.

This was not the first time he had planned to marry off the girl as she had narrowly been rescued by the area chief from marriage when she was in class five and again when she was in class six.

Kisalu warned parents who have not taken their children to school of dire consequences, reiterating he has instructed the chiefs and village elders to ensure 100 per cent transition in their areas. “We will conduct such operations in several homes where parents will not take their children to school until we achieve 100 per cent transition,” said Kisalu.

Olkirriainie area Chief Tipila Ole Narainkaik, who led the village elders to pick the sheep and take them to Ewaso Ngiro market, said the old man was one of the richest people in the area yet was reluctant in educating his daughters.

He recalled how he struggled to keep the girl in school disclosing when she was in classes five and six, the father had organized for her secret marriage. “We have struggled ensuring that this young girl remains in school despite the challenges she faces at her home. I want to assure you that I will hold her hands until she completes her tertiary education,” said the chief.

The girl’s mother was all smiles as her wish was to see her daughter complete her education before she could be given out for marriage.

She said, with her little savings, she had been doing shopping for her daughter and was hopeful that the initiative taken by the security team will enable her to complete school.



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