Sh161 million generated from CBC will steer Migori economic growth, says Education Official

Migori County economic growth is set to benefit from the Sh161 million that will be paid to the CBC local contractors.

Speaking at Koderobara High School in Rongo Sub County during the official handing over of two Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) classes to the school administration, Migori County Director of Education Mr. Jacob Onyiego noted that the said cash would not only boost the economic growth of the county but also improve the living standards of the county residents.

Onyiego said that the wealth generation would also improve money circulation both at the county and national governments. According to the Kenya Population Census of 2019, Migori County had a population of 1.1 million that would directly and indirectly, benefit from the cash flow.

The education official noted that the Ministry of Education has commenced the process of assembling payment documents to ensure that all contractors are paid.

The county was allocated 205 classrooms to cover phase one of the project that was awarded to local contractors.

Onyiego noted that it was important that the contractors be paid in full before the government could roll out the second phase.

He added that majority of the contractors would be relying on these payments to enable them to have enough resources to bid for the second CBC phase.

The Director appreciated all the contractors who took part in the programme for giving their best towards quality classrooms.

He noted that during the second phase of the project, the contractors who participated pn phase one would be given a priority in order to continue with the perfect work they had started.

On the issue of CBC classes’ utilisation before the commencement of the Junior Secondary, the official called upon the principals to utilise the newly constructed CBC classes to ease congestion and allow for the 100 percent transition as per the national government requirements.

“There is no need for the classes to remain idle yet the junior secondary students will not be using the same facilities until early next year. Let all of us use these newly constructed classes with utmost care to benefit our incoming CBC students,” noted Onyiego.

The County Director added that the ongoing reporting of form one students to their respective schools is currently at its best. The official said that with the support of the county administration, they were ready to ensure 100 percent transition from primary to secondary school.



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