Sixteen candidates cleared to run for three Kilifi County top seats

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), has cleared sixteen candidates, to run the three top elective seats in Kilifi County.

Kilifi County IEBC Returning Officer, Hussein Gurre, said the Commission had cleared six candidates, including one lady, for the gubernatorial race, six candidates for the office of the Woman Member of the National Assembly and four candidates, including one woman, for the senatorial seat.

Speaking to journalists at the close of the exercise conducted at the Kenya Red Cross, Coast Regional Offices in Malindi town, Mr. Gurre said the exercise was smooth as he had not received any complaint from any of the people who presented their documents for scrutiny.

“So far, the exercise has gone on very well. We have not heard any complaints, violence, intimidation and counter intimidation and from the feedback we have been receiving, people are very happy with the process,” he said.

He urged the candidates to adhere to the electoral code of conduct before, during and after the General Election in order for peace to prevail and also enable the electorate to vote for their preferred candidates in a conducive environment.

Similar sentiment had been made by Mr. Michael Tinga, the last candidate to be cleared by the IEBC official, who said the officials had conducted the exercise professionally and treated all the candidates with utmost respect.

Former Chief Administrative Secretary, Gideon Maitha Mung’aro, said the process had been long but added that that was necessary to ensure proper scrutiny of all the documents the candidates presented to the commission officials.

Those cleared to run for the gubernatorial positions included former Chief Administrative Mr Mung’aro (ODM), Malindi Member of Parliament, Aisha Jumwa Katana (UDA), lawyer George Kithi (PAA), businessman Alphonce Mbaru (Safina), Kenyan-Italian Franco Kasoso Baya Esposito (Independent) and businessman Michael Tinga (Ford Kenya).

Former Magarini Member of Parliament, David Noti Kombe, was disqualified after failing to present his original degree certificate.

He had been asked to get an abstract from the police and swear an affidavit to prove that the photocopy he had presented was his, but by the close of the exercise, he had not returned.

The County Returning Officer said Noti still had a window to contest for the seat if he files a petition with the IEBC’s Dispute Resolution Committee, and the petition is approved.

The candidates who will run for the senate seat in the county are Caroline Chilango (ANC), Ben Kai (PAA), Shukrani Mwabonje (UDA) and incumbent Stewart Madzayo (ODM).

Kilifi Woman Representative Gertrude Mbeyu, will defend her seat on an ODM ticket. The seat has attracted five other candidates, who include Nominated Senator Christine Zawadi Fondo (PAA), Mary Luvuno Kombe (Independent), Juliet Riziki Baya (UDA), Maureen Ochieng (Independent) and Ephie Cheri (Kadu Asili).



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