South Nyanza disciplined forces hold prayers 

Members of the disciplined forces drawn from southern Nyanza held a thanksgiving service at St Paul’s Catholic Church in Homa Bay.

The prayer day which is an annual event organized by chaplaincy from the disciplined services comprising the Kenya Police, Kenya Prison, Administration Police, Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Forest Service and the National Youth Service.

Addressing the officers, the Director Chaplaincy Counselling and Psycho social support for Administration Police Vincent Makokha encouraged the officers to strictly follow their mandate of maintaining law and order especially during this election period.

“I would like to challenge our officers to strictly abide by what they are mandated to undertake, that is, maintaining law and order to earn them respect in the society,” said Makokha.

Father Peter Kimani said that the event came at a very crucial moment when campaigns are underway as elections beckon.

“This event has come at the right time with just over a month to the general elections. Therefore, I believe that God will use the members of the forces to maintain peace, “said Kimani.

Kimani also urged the police officers to always be God fearing in discharging their services.

Director Reforms at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Eliuud Langat lauded the members of the forces for organizing the event annually.

“Follow the right thing all the time and do not fear anything while on duty,” said Lagat.

He expressed optimism that such spiritual interventions would guide the security officers and members of the public for a peaceful electioneering period.



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