Take charge of the running mate nomination and save us from public ridicule, MP tells Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga

Top Azimio la Umoja leaders have been challenged to take charge of the presidential running mate process to save the coalition from public ridicule.

Movement for Democracy and Growth party leader who is also the Ugenya member of parliament, David Ochieng said it was high time president Uhuru Kenyatta, former prime minister, Raila Odinga, Wiper party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka and other Azimio council members handle the issue with some level of circumspection.

Speaking at Sega polytechnic grounds in Ugenya after presiding over the distribution of bursary cheques to the bright and needy students, Ochieng said that the noise over who will be interviewed for the running mate slot was hurting the coalition.

“The issue of the deputy presidency is serious and should be done in silence,” he said adding that those tasked with the responsibility should be left to perform their task quietly and give Kenyans their verdict.

The MDG leader at the same time called on Azimio top leadership to stop plans for zoning the country and allow political parties to freely field candidates in other posts, save for the presidency.

He said that zoning was negatively affecting the coalition and if not withdrawn, will affect turnout especially in Nyanza and Western regions.

“I want to advise the Azimio Council comprising of president Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and the rest, that talks of zoning are hurting us as Azimio,” he maintained.



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