Thirty-seven MCAs in Kisii sent home

Thirty-seven out of 45 Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) in Kisii County failed to recapture their seats in the just concluded General Election.

Out of the forty-five Wards in the region, only eight Ward Representatives succeeded in wooing voters to re-elect them as representatives in the county’s third Assembly.

In Bobasi (with 8 Wards), Nyaribari Masaba (5 Wards), and South Mugirango (6 Wards) Constituencies, the electorate sent home all the MCAs who served in the previous Assembly.

Two of the Ward Reps in Bomachoge Borabu Constituency (4 Wards), Amos Onderi from Bokimonge Ward and Timothy Ogugu of Magenche Ward, retained their seats having vied for the positions on ODM and KSC party tickets respectively.

Notably, Beatrice Makwae of ODM party replaced Samson Abuga of PDP who previously represented the Bombaba Borabu Ward in the Assembly, to become the only elected woman MCA from the same Constituency and the entire county.

In Bomachoge Chache Constituency (3 Wards) voters re-elected James Ondari (Jubilee) as the Boochi Tendere MCA while Bonchari Constituency (4 Wards) saw two MCAs bounce back in office, John Ombati (UPA) of Bomorenda Ward and Ismael Matundura (ODM) from Bogiakumu Ward.

Similarly, Nyaribari Chache Constituency (6 Wards) voted for Ibrahim Mose (KSC) from Bobaracho Ward and Peter Moindi (Wiper) of Keumbu Ward for another term in office.

Kitutu Chache North (4 Wards) and Kitutu Chache South (5 Wards) Constituencies retained one MCA each, Dennis Ombachi (PDP) from Marani Ward and Duke Nyarango (ODM) of Kitutu Central Ward respectively.

This year’s election has also seen new parties in the Assembly including the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party with five representatives, United Progressive Alliance (UPA) party with four representatives, and Democratic Action Party-Kenya with one representative.



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