Unclaimed bodies to be disposed

Homa Bay County Referral Hospital is set to dispose 15 unclaimed bodies to ease congestion in the hospital mortuary.

The Hospital Senior Public Health Officer Lilian Otieno said the decision was arrived at after families of the deceased persons failed to claim them.

She said the bodies include those that have stayed in the hospital morgue for between three to six months.

“They are a total of nine men and six women. Majority of them died in road accidents, while others are drowning cases,” she said.

Ms Otieno said the bodies were causing congestion in the morgue which was built in the 1960s, has a capacity of only 15 bodies.

She said the morgue currently has 24 bodies and the number keeps increasing.

Otieno urged any families with missing loved ones to visit the facility and check out if they are in the morgue.

“The bodies have stayed in the hospital for more than three months. The law allows us to dispose any such body that remains in the mortuary for more than three months without being claimed,” Otieno said.

The bodies will be buried in mass graves if nobody claims them in the next 14 days.



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