Waruguru declares that UDA aspirants in Laikipia are incompetent

Laikipia county Women Representative Catherine Waruguru has accused aspirants who won the United Democratic Alliance nominations tickets in the region of not galvanizing support for Deputy President William Ruto to clinch the presidency seat in this year’s general election.

Ms Waruguru who lost the UDA nomination ticket to the incumbent Laikipia East MP Mohammed Amin Deddy called on residents not to concentrate on local politics but support Dr. Ruto in winning the August polls.

“I am boldly saying to my UDA party leader that you do not have a team to conduct campaigns for you here in Laikipia and let nobody hide behind you,” said Waruguru, urging residents to vote for leaders of their choice and the DP for the country’s top office.

She alluded that UDA aspirants who bagged the party ticket from MCA, MP, governor and Senate seat since the nominations had not invited the DP Ruto in the county for political rallies and at the same time, they had relaxed waiting to be elected in the August poll.

“The truth is that Ruto has votes and I will protect them. I ask them to invite Ruto and Kenya Kwanza economic forums,” she said.

She noted Azimio la Umoja led by area governor Ndiritu Muriithi had been lobbying for votes for Raila Odinga unlike the Kenya Kwanza brigade who went on with their daily routine after winning the party tickets.

She said the State House race is between Dr. Ruto and Odinga and not their running mates.

“The contest is purely Ruto versus Raila. If it was Karua who was vying for presidency, women could have rallied behind her. Karua is in the wrong formation,” the legislator told residents at her Nanyuki town office.

Meanwhile, Azimio la Umoja has intensified their campaign in Laikipia to solicit votes for Odinga.



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