West Pokot Deputy County commissioner urges peace ahead of elections

West Pokot Deputy County Commissioner Elvis Korir has called on locals to maintain peace ahead of the August general election.

Mr Korir made the call yesterday in Kapenguria town at the West Pokot sub county conference on a peaceful August poll organized by the office of the county commissioner in collaboration with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Korir said it is every citizen’s right to vote or not to vote during the August general election, adding that there is no need for hatred that could lead to violence because hatred does not lead to peaceful coexistence and urged locals to maintain peace.

“I urge the people of west Pokot County and the country at large to remain peaceful before, during and after the general election,” Korir said.

Korir urged locals to shun actions that could bridge peace in the community during election times.

He called on residents to be law-abiding and told them to play politics without bitterness or hatred noting violence does not put food on the table or make one achieve anything meaningful in life.

Korir reiterated the government commitment to promoting peace and noted that any form of violence during or after the poll will not be tolerated.

IEBC Kapenguria Constituency Returning Officer Enock Otara reaffirmed the commission will conduct a free, fair and credible general election.

Otaro said campaigns were officially opened on May 29 and would be closed on August 6, 2022 and called on all contestants to abide by election laws and Acts.

He said they have started clearance of aspirants noting the exercise will run to June, 7, 2022 and called upon those who have not cleared to present themselves with statutory documents needed for clearance.

West Pokot Council of Elder Chairman Mr John Mwok urged youth and all politicians to be peace ambassadors and cautioned them to avoid promoting tribal sentiments that could lead to violence.

“Youth and all politicians should avoid divisive politics that could lead to chaos during the campaigns and during and after the voting day,” said Pokot council of Elders chairman Mr Mwok.

Mwok further said local administrators should be educated on peace and security before, during and after the election.



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