Youth encouraged to seek guidance when facing challenges

Police in Narok North Sub County have urged young people to seek guidance from credible people when facing challenges instead of committing suicide.

The area Sub County Police Commander Frederick Shiundu lamented the increasing suicidal cases in the area that mostly involve young people, who take their lives when they face challenges.

Shiundu who spoke in his office cited a recent incident at Pulung’a area, in Narok town where a 35-year-old man’s body was found dangling on a rope in his residential house.

The man who worked at a local milk depot as a supervisor had left a suicidal note that pointed out he was tired of life and opted to commit suicide.

“The incident was too sad because the 35-year-old man had a chance to mend his broken life and live a successful life. Unfortunately, he did not share his problems with credible people who could counsel him,” he said.

Shiundu said such incidents were on the increase in the area and asked young people to seek counsel from religious leaders, hospitals, colleagues, parents or elders who can listen to them and guide appropriately.

“I believe there is no problem that cannot be resolved. The way God has created us, there are challenges that come our way and we are expected to overcome so that we can grow wiser and stronger,” he said.

The police boss added that most suicide incidents reported involve young men below the age of 30 years, who have a potential to become professionals and build the economy of our nation.

His sentiments were echoed by Narok Youth Officer Joash Ratemo who encouraged youth to make use of the Youth Empowerment Centers in the county that are well equipped to nurture talents.

The youth officer said there are six YECs, one in each constituency designed in a manner to build talents amongst young people instead of them staying idle.

“The centers accommodate everybody regardless of education background, spirituality or tribe. The youth have a chance to interact with other youths, meet counsellors and also be informed about the available government funds they can apply to benefit,” said Ratemo.



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