Munyes pledges Sh2 billion to tackle hunger, illiteracy

Turkana Jubilee Governor candidate John Munyes has pledged to allocate Sh2 billion to fight hunger and illiteracy in the county if elected next month.

Speaking to Turkana North Professional in Lodwar, Munyes said it was sad that despite Turkana County being allocated more than Sh80 billion by the National Treasury for ten years, residents were still reeling in abject poverty.

Munyes blamed poor leadership and corruption for derailing development in the County.

He said his government would put more funds into food security projects, education and ensure that all students get full scholarships from Secondary to university without burdening the parents.

“It’s unfortunate that the Turkana people are still languishing in poverty, lack of education, water, health, unemployment, and food insecurity, yet they received the second lion’s share of revenue after Nairobi. I will change the face of Turkana when I form the next government,” Munyes said.

Munyes, who is eyeing to succeed second-term governor Josphat Nanok, is also facing stiff competition from other aspirants including his closest rival Jeremiah Lomorukai (ODM), John Lodepe (UDA), and Joseph Atol (Mabadiliko party).

The former Petroleum and Mining Cabinet Secretary said President Uhuru Kenyatta had told him to ensure he feeds the people to restore their dignity when he takes over the next government.

“When I watch the suffering of my people on National Television and International media, I feel like crying. It beats logic to see people sleeping hungry and lacking water even when the County has huge resources to change the livelihoods of the community,” he said.

Munyes said his administration would work closely with the development partners and allow them to operate in Turkana without any strings attached, saying the current regime had suffocated donors by asking them to put development funds under one ‘basket’.

The former CS allayed fear that he is out to sack county officers on contracts when he takes over the government. “I want to state that I have no intention to sack the county officers who are currently working with the devolved units. Those are rumours from my competitors,” Munyes said.

“The law is very clear on employees on contracts. They will only exit the services when their terms come to an end. It’s not up to me to dictate when they will leave,” he added.

Munyes also promised to fight graft and wastage in the county government, adding that he would make all procurement process open and fair for all residents to benefit from tenders.

He castigated a section of legislators in the region who were allocated over Sh100 million CDF kitty annually, but had nothing to show on the ground.

“During our time as members of Parliament, we managed the constituency projects with limited CDF kitty to build health centres, and schools and pay fees for students. Those who claimed we did nothing are just dreaming,” he said.



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