17-Year-old boy to serve 20 years’ imprisonment for sodomizing a 13-year-old boy

A 17-year-old boy has been sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment by a Narok Law Court for sodomizing a 13-year-old boy.

The boy appeared before Narok Senior Resident Magistrate Phyllis Shinyanda where he pleaded guilty to the charges.

The court heard that on 3rd April, 2022, at Naisoya Village in Narok North sub-county, the victim and his brothers had gone herding their father’s sheep and at around 1100hrs the accused met with the victim and asked him to accompany him.

The minor followed the accused to the nearby bush not knowing his intentions when he pushed the minor to the ground and sodomized him.

The accused threatened the minor not to scream or else he would physically hurt him.

The victim returned home frightened and reported the incident to the father who rushed him to Narok County Referral Hospital where the doctor’s report confirmed that the boy had been defiled.

Efforts to trace the accused immediately after the incident were futile but later arrested on May 9, a month after the heinous incident happened.

Though the accused was a first offender, the prosecutor said the offense committed was severe and that the court should consider a harsh punishment.

In his defense, the accused told the court that his actions were influenced by pornographic videos that he enjoyed watching and he was not aware that he was doing a criminal act.

The Magistrate, while sentencing the accused stated that she considered the facts presented by the prosecution team and that the accused had pleaded guilty to the offense, thus saving the court’s time.

She sentenced the accused to a twenty years’ imprisonment for the defilement of the child contrary to sec 8(I) read with subsection 8 (2) of the sexual offense act of 2006.

“In as much as this ideally saves the court’s time nothing much can be done in terms of the sentence, given that the offense is serious and has a mandated defined sentence under the law of not less than 20 years’ imprisonment,” she added.

The accused was reminded of his right to appeal the sentence within 14 days.



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