267 students in Kericho qualify for Elimu Scholarships

The Ministry of Education through the Equity Foundation is awarding scholarships to 267 students from vulnerable backgrounds in Kericho County to support their secondary education

The 267 students who sat the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary education (KCPE) have been selected for the bursary from all the six sub-Counties namely; Kericho East, Belgut, Bureti, Soin-Sigowet, Kipkelion East and Kipkelion West.

The Elimu Scholarship programme by the National Government, World Bank and Equity Bank caters for school fees, transport, learning materials as well as pocket money for the students during the four-year period of their studies in secondary school.

Kericho County Deputy Governor Lily Ngok who graced an event that brought together the beneficiaries and partners of the scholarships, congratulated the students who qualified for the full sponsorships urging them to remain focused in their studies.

“I thank all partners for this initiative which will transform and touch lives of many bright but needy pupils but I ask the beneficiaries to remain focused on their studies for a better future,” said Ngok

The Deputy Governor also expressed her concern over rising cases of suicide and murder among teenagers in high schools and implored teachers and parents to create a rapport in order to dialogue freely on issues affecting them.

“It’s disheartening to see that students have started committing suicide and others engage in killings. We all need to play an active role in counseling our teenagers and encouraging them to share the challenges they undergo,” said Ngok

According to the Elimu Scholarship programme, the sponsorship that targets needy students from public schools with 280 marks and above in KCPE considers orphans, those suffering from chronic illnesses, and students living with disabilities. The selection process also analyses the students’ family poverty index.



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