Administrator calls for concerted efforts to end drug-abuse menace

Imenti North Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Ms. Odillia Ndeti has called on residents, especially parents, to collaborate with local administrators in their respective areas in order to succeed in combating the increasing drug-abuse menace.

Addressing members of the public at Thuura grounds in the sub-county, Ms Ndeti said drug abuse that include bhang smoking, and illicit brews among others were rampant in some of the rural areas and could only be eliminated if residents were willing to work closely with their Chiefs and assistant chiefs.

“We cannot succeed in ending drug abuse in this area if residents are not willing to surrender crucial information that can lead to the arrest of the culprits. Some of the peddlers carry out their businesses in secrecy that our chiefs cannot know unless they are informed by the locals,” she said.

She said it was sad that parents were struggling to take their children to school only to have them lost to drugs peddled by some of the local people out to serve their selfish interests.

If we are not careful, we will not have a future generation since all the young people will be destroyed by drugs. This means we will not have future leaders and therefore our region will continue lagging behind others,” she said.

She advised that there were very many clean businesses that the peddlers and illicit brewers could engage in apart from the ones that were destroying other people’s children.

“Do a lawful business however small and you will be blessed than the person who is selling drugs to other people’s children,” she said.

She at the same time called on parents with children who sat for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams last year to ensure they were taken to secondary schools failure to which they would be arrested and prosecuted.

“We have already started moving to the villages and it will not be business as usual for those who are yet to take their children to secondary schools,” warned Ndeti.



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