Embu leaders and residents raise alarm over garbage pileup

Embu leaders and residents have raised alarm over piles of uncollected garbage that has become a common feature in all towns across the county.

They have accused the Governor Martin Wambora led administration of laxity in dealing with the mounting heaps of garbage within towns, estates and market centers that are slowly turning into breeding grounds for diseases.

They said the county has been unresponsive to their complaints as the trash continues to pile up by each passing day.

Garbage has become a talking point in Embu Town as foul smell from rotting garbage irks businesspeople, residents and travellers who are now demanding quick action.

“As a traveler, you need not to see to know you have reached Embu Town but to smell,” remarked Senator Njeru Ndwiga while alleging that Embu was the filthiest county in Kenya.

He said it was a shame that the county had shown less concern towards the health of its people by failing to keep their environments clean.

Businessman Fredrick Kimotho said the garbage menace was a slap in the face for the business community who dutifully pay taxes to the government to be accorded good services.

“We wonder where the levies we pay to the county government go to and we are now a worried lot because this problem is a ticking time bomb that could have disastrous health consequences,” the trader said.

Manyatta Constituency trader Joshua Njeru said the drainage system in the town had been clogged by waste and soon dirty water may find its way into their homes and expose them to diseases such as cholera.

He attributed poor waste management to poor electoral choices by the voters and urged them to make a point of picking right leaders during the August 9 polls.

“We have an opportunity to heal the damage we have done to ourselves by voting leaders on account of their performance track record in the public sector,” Njeru said.



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