Ousted Migori county assembly staffs warned to keep off the assembly operations

Migori County Assembly through the acting speaker George Duro has given out a stern warning to the ousted county staff not to interfere with the assembly’s operations.

While addressing the press at the County Assembly compound, Mr. Duro alluded that former principle finance officer Evans Ogutu and the current acting human resource manager Michael Orwa have been attempting to discretely transact on behalf of the county assembly.

Mr Duro revealed that the acting Human resource manger Mr Orwa has been missing in action as he has absconded his duties, eliciting questions to his whereabouts.

“Mr Orwa only appeared at the Migori Law Courts on the 30th last month as the acting clerk, this after him being negligent to the office as from June 17th,” claimed the speaker, adding:

“His whereabouts and absence were not known to the Assembly and now his acts are causing confusion in the County Assembly and as a result, some of the operations are halted.”

Mr Duro also noted that the happenings at the assembly in the past week, has caused a lot of problems for them and other staffs.

According to the acting speaker, during the past one week, the former finance officer has been colluding with the ousted former speaker Mr Boaz Okoth to disrupt the assemblies operations.

This includes the revelation that the two were purportedly on the verge of changing the county assembly accounts signatories.

“We have realized that they have written to the government and banking agencies that are responsible to the daily management of county governments, purporting to be the signatories of such accounts,” stated Duro.

This has caused a lot of confusions in these banking industries and hence has deterred the county assembly from its operations. He explained.

The Speaker warned that tough disciplinary measures would be taken against his conducts and the case will be recognized as fraudulent and be dealt with according to the law.

Duro warned those board members who were removed by resolutions of the County Assembly through legislation not to plan any wayward move of getting back to the assembly and that they will be dealt with as criminals who will not perform County Assembly business.

He ruled out receiving any court order, stating that there has been no recognizable order for the reinstatement of the said ousted staff.

The official noted that both Mr Ogutu and Mr Orwa have been ordered not carry out any business on behalf of the County Assembly.

However, he assured the current assembly staffs that their rights will be upheld until when they officially leave the office, noting that they will only quit out of those positions out of natural attritions, either by resignation or retirement.



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