Homa Bay Residents Concerned over Awiti’s Silence in the ongoing Salary Parade 

Residents in Homa Bay have questioned Governor Cyprian Awiti’s silence over the ongoing salary parade that has paralyzed government services causing a serious crisis within the County.

This comes after the health workers downed their tools last week over their two-month salary arrears, and were joined earlier this week by other county employees decrying the same.

The strike has since paralyzed government services in the health sector as well as in other public domains.

However, Awiti’s silence has caused jitters among residents who also claim that they have gone for two months without clean water.

Led by leaders including the Chief Advisor, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Kenneth Kambona, Homa Bay Town East MCA Juma Awuor and Homa Bay County Bunge La Wenye Nchi Speaker Walter Opiyo, they now want Awiti to break his silence.

Kambona expressed concerns that the ongoing strike will risk the lives of residents, since there is no public hospital that is functional at the moment.

The chief advisor blamed Awiti for keeping mum amidst the crisis saying that it is wrong of him to stand by and watch when the county needs solution to the ongoing problems.

“Shutting down public health facilities in the county because of salary arrears is wrong. It is unfortunate that the governor can neither be heard nor seen in the county to address the issues,” he said.

He argued that lack of clean water in the county is predisposing residents to risks of contracting communicable diseases.

“Clean water is key for good health. Use of untreated water will cause serious damage in the county. Let the county government strive to pay the workers for normalcy to be restored,” Kambona said.

Opiyo said that what is happening in Homa Bay is a serious violation of human rights.

“Access to clean water and healthcare are rights of the people. The crisis in our county must be dealt with amicably to rescue the people,” said Opiyo.

However, when contacted, the Chief of Staff in Governor Awiti’s office Eliud Otieno said the governor is working on the issues.

“The governor is aware of the issues and he is working on it every day to ensure the workers’ get their pay. Let residents be calm,” Otieno said.



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