Kenya launches the Amani Torch Run

Kenya today launched the Amani Torch Run, an initiative of Special Olympics Kenya in partnership with the civil society groups and the National Police service at Kasarani stadium.

The Amani Torch Run is a countrywide run that contributes to the “Election Bila Noma” an initiative of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) campaign as well as the Special Olympics vision of creating a new world of inclusion and community, where every single person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability in an effort to promote peace before, during and after the electioneering period.

Speaking during the launch, NCIC chairman Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia stated that it is important to be proactive during the electioneering period and educate the public on the importance of peace to the nation.

“I call on Kenyans to make the August 2022 election the most peaceful and violence free election in the history of our republic especially with this historic launch of Amani Torch Run,” said Kobia.

Kobia further encouraged Kenyans to observe peaceful co-existence quoting the NCIC motto “one people, one nation, one destiny”.

He urged Kenyans to be optimistic and emulate the Special Olympic Kenya for setting such limits as the Torch Carriers despite being among the vulnerable category in the country.

The National Police Service Deputy Inspector-General Mr. Edward Mbugua has promised to support this Amani Torch Run and provide security to the athletes as they traverse the country and advocate for a peaceful election.

“I ask all citizens to join the Amani Torch Run to preach peace in all the 47 counties in the country and we as the police service promise you all the support for the interest of our country’s well-being,” said Mbugua.

President and Managing Director, Special Olympics Africa Region Mr. Charles Nyambe thanked the Kenya Special Olympic for continuously displaying great leadership and offering their athletes such opportunities.

“For many years athletes with special needs have been viewed as objects of care, but today they are running for peace and teaching us tolerance, acceptance and dignity all of which are ingredients of building a peaceful community,” said Nyambe.

Nyambe encouraged advocates for peace through the flame of hope by the torch, and the desire for peace amongst Kenyans.

Special Olympics Kenya Athlete Leadership Council, Sammy Kamande and also a participant in the Olympics thanked the Special Olympic Kenya for giving them the opportunity to lead the Amani Torch Run.

“A nation without peace is a nation of chaos, a nation without peace leads to a failed economy, so let us plant a good seed of peace for a prosperous nation,” said Kamande.

The Amani Torch Run by the Special Olympics Kenya brought together Mkenya Daima, NCIC, National Police Service and other partners.



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