Nyong’o calls out DP Ruto over stand on opinion polls

Kisumu County Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o has lashed out at Deputy President William Ruto for disputing the recent opinion polls, placing him behind Azimio-One Kenya Presidential Candidate Raila Odinga.

Nyong’o termed the stand taken by Ruto as hypocritical since he did not react to earlier opinion polls, which placed him ahead. “We also did not make noise or cry foul when the opinion polls in the past placed Raila behind him,” he said.

The governor noted that to insinuate that the polls were commissioned to determine the outcome of the August 9 general election was uncalled for, from a leader of Ruto’s calibre.

Nyong’o said the remarks by Ruto indicate that he had information on how elections are rigged and should be the one to be watched. The opinion polls, he said, represented the situation on the ground asking Ruto to be ready to accept the outcome of the elections.

“Raila’s presidential bid had gained momentum after he picked Martha Karua as his running mate. After Raila paired with her, the womenfolk and all Kenyans who mean well for this country have rallied behind them,” he said.

The duo, he added, presented the best bet for Kenyans to slay the dragon of corruption and fastrack development in the country.

Speaking at Katito in Nyakach Sub-County, Nyong’o asked area residents to turn up in large numbers to give Raila a resounding win in the August 9 general election. “This is an appointment with destiny. It is going to be an earth shaking event which you must be part of,” he said.

Nyong’o, who is seeking a second term on an ODM ticket, asked area residents to re-elect him in order to complete the development projects he initiated in the first term.

The governor toured several projects in the area among them Pap Onditi County Hospital Maternity Wing and theatre and Katito Solar Powered borehole water project. He also held campaigns at Sondu market, Nyabondo, Oboch, Anding’o-Panga and Kang’ow.

During the campaign trail, Nyong’o who was accompanied by Nyakach MP Aduma Owuor and a host of ODM ward aspirants rallied the locals to vote six piece for the Orange party.



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