Waiguru dismisses polls showing Raila ahead of Ruto

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has dismissed recent opinion polls by Tifa research firm showing Azimio candidate Raila Odinga ahead of Kenya Kwanza’s William Ruto.

The Governor termed the polls as fake and only meant to mislead Kenyans.

Waiguru who spoke during a campaign rally at Karii, Kangai Ward in Mwea Constituency said that contrary to the report, Ruto was more popular on the ground. “The truth is that Ruto is in the lead with over 60% of votes and this will be confirmed soon at the ballot,” Waiguru said.

She claimed that Azimio had sensed defeat and had started the “usual tendencies by its presidential candidate Raila Odinga to discredit the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) so as to lay ground for an election petition once the party is defeated.”

Waiguru said that Mt. Kenya’s regional support for Ruto remains intact and no amount of intimidation, threats or coercion of voters would change this. “Majority of Kenyans support Kenya Kwanza because of its bottom up economic model which seeks to uplift people in the lower level of the pyramid,” she said.

She exuded confidence that due to its popularity, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party will bag all the elective seats in Kirinyaga.

Waiguru asked voters in Kirinyaga to reject bribes allegedly being offered to them by state operatives to change their allegiance from UDA to Azimio saying that the government was to blame for the rise in cost of living.

The UDA candidate said that the ongoing relief food distribution by chiefs in Kirinyaga was meant to coerce voters to back Raila’s presidential bid.



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